Appuntamento natalizio con le interviste di SwosIT: il protagonista di oggi è il vice-campione mondiale di Swos su PC ai SensibleDays del 2013.
La sua bravura, unita ai suoi modi gentili lo rendono uno degli Swossers con cui è più piacevole giocare ed imparare.
Benvenuto AndYpsilon!


Christmastime interview on SwosIT: today's guest is PC-Swos's vice-champion at SensibleDays 2013.
His great skills, combined with his friendly attitude make him one of the most pleasant swossers to play and learn from.
Welcome AndYpsilon!


1. In order to break the ice, please tell us something about you: 

My name is Andreas Breuer. I live in Hürth, a small town near Cologne, and I work as a department manager in an editorial office.

2. How and when did you know about Swos? 

Back in the 1990s I didn't even have my own PC for games of that sort. That is why I often went to Paider's place in order to play computer games: flight simulators and football managers for example. One day Paider showed me a new football game he had bought for only 5 Euro (10 DM in 1995). It was Sensible World of Soccer 95/96 for PC. We tested it and were hooked on SWOS right from the kick-off. We usually played DIY leagues; both of us chose one or two club teams and filled up the rest of the league with computer teams. Soon Paider’s brother Thomas and  friends like Klinki or Domi joined us. We played SWOS night and day and broke a lot of joysticks at that time. We must have put the nerves of Paider’s parents to the touch because when we play nowadays at Paider’s home his mother still repeats some of the German commentaries like „Er hat ihn gehaaaalten!“ (meaning: The goalkeeper did a great job …) :) A few years later we started our own little cup called “Sistiger Wanderpokal“:  a challenge cup which the winner could keep until the next tournament. That’s how the SWOS activities of the Eifel Crew started.

3. Since when have you been playing Swos online? 

Again it was Paider who first found This must have been in 2005 because we found out about another offline community in the Eifel which hosted a tournament in May 2005 – what a fine piece of luck. That was the first ‘official’ offline cup that Paider, Klinki and me joined. However, I started playing Swos online only quite some time later – maybe at the end of 2006 or the beginning of 2007.

4. How has your playing style changed in the course of time, especially after discovering you could play Swos online? 

I had never played AMIGA SWOS before – that is why playing SWOS online was a new experience. I was stunned and impressed by the many different ways of playing and the player’s different playing styles. In the beginning I naturally lost almost every game but this gave me the opportunity to improve my overall playing style: attack, defence, passing etc. Without playing online I would never have been able to achieve the level of SWOS I am able to play at today.

5. Do you think you could still improve or have you reached your maximum potential? 

I could and should still improve – it’s all a matter of time. I set the basics of my actual way of playing from 2007 to 2009. I was still a student at the university and practiced a lot online as well as offline with the Eifel Crew members at our village youth club. I also started participating in tournaments regularly which gave me a lot of experience. Naturally, the older you become the harder it is to improve your skills. However, after my life philosophy – live and learn – I still try to improve.


6. Do you admire a Swosser’s game style in particular? What would you like to steal from him if you could? 

There are lots of outstanding game styles out there. It’s awesome to see what Playaveli, Ali, Blazej and Coolio Jack are able to do on the pitch – some moves look like ‘Alien-SWOS’ in the best sense of the word. Personally, I also enjoy the styles that look a bit more like real soccer. That is why I really like Lobo’s ‘machine style’: just straightforward but extremely effective. I also love watching Hawkz playing – his passing and finishing skills with his hands crossed on the keypad are awesome. And not to forget Andib – in my opinion he is currently the player with the best defensive skills. Naturally, I have adapted several player’s moves and ways to score. I would never want to copy a whole game style but simply improve my own by carefully watching what the others do. Some guys already told me that they hate my way of playing – that is the best compliment and motivation I can get :)

7. Since both things are at times strictly connected, my question is: what is your finest memory related to Swos and what is the best match you have ever played in your Swosser’s life? 

It's difficult to mention just one memory but the highlight of my SWOS-career is the silver-medal I won in Berlin at the PC-tournament during the Sensi Days 2013. The matches after group stage up to the final are the ones I enjoyed most so far. Especially the semi-final match against ISSA legend Rasmus had it all (3-4, 1-0, 6-4): two very offensive battles, one very defensive match (which is quite unusual for both of us) and a hell of a lot of mental ups and downs to struggle with. Another anecdote which comes to mind is the first Eifel-X-Mas-Cup in Sistig in 2005. We were only a small group of players from the Eifel when Playaveli told us about his interest to participate. We were thrilled that the actual world champion might travel to our little village to play SWOS with us. Unfortunately, the Eifel mountains were covered in snow that day and driving must have been quite an adventure, ha ha. However, he made it, won the tournament and offered a lot good advice: e.g. to play SWOS 97/97 instead of the older version

8. You are a high-level player, but you must have experienced bitter disappointment yourself ... 

To be honest: Each loss (especially in KO-stage or a final of a tournament) is a small disappointment as every sportsman loves winning. Well, I’ve been frustrated more than once in my life with SWOS … ;) However, losing belongs to SWOS as it belongs to the whole life and I’m much more disappointed when players show childish or disrespectful behaviour after losing – online or offline. In spite of all competition and personal ambitions I never forget that this is just a game. Fun and respect are basic factors of the game. A great player is not only defined by talent and skills but by his behaviour after losing a match. If a player lacks this ability he loses much more than just a match. Another thing that disappoints me is when popular players quit the scene. However, like I said before: There are things that are much more important than SWOS and so we just have to accept the coming and going of players. 

9. What prompts you to keep on playing SWOS and what –  in your opinion – makes the game still attractive after more than 20 years from its first release

Apart from the actual playing that still offers a lot of fun it’s the offline events that keep me most motivated. It’s always great to meet people all over Europe that have the same SWOS-passion. Recently, I participated at ISSA 21 in Copenhagen and that was another most joyful SWOS event that I will never forget. Last but not least our Eifel-X-Mas-Cup in Sistig is a reason to keep on playing. The Eifel Crew founded the cup in 2005 and we and the guest players still look forward to it every year. That’s really good to see. My dream is to host a tournament in Cologne one day – we'll see if that will be possible.

10. And finally, please give a suggestion to the new prospects who are about to debut in our online Swos competitions.

Some people have already said this but I don’t mind repeating it: Don't give a f*** about (high) losses at the beginning. Everybody makes this experience at the beginning. So always remember that you will definitely improve your game style sooner or later. And don’t be scared to play against all the nerds from the top of the rankings – these matches offer the best practice you can get.


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